Planting Ghania & Cullen plants for Butterflies
From 09:45 am until 12:00 pm
Free, but Registration is necessary
We will be planting over 3000 plants to add to the Butterfly Habitat at Glenthorne.
We will be planting in three areas of the park, and we are hoping each person will be able to plant about 50 plants each, in a small 6m x 6m area.
We will be planting:
- Tall Scurf Pea (Cullen astralasicum), for the Chequered Swallowtail Butterfly (pictured), in all of the densely planted pods across the park.
- Red-Fruit Saw-Sedge (Gahnia sieberiana), and Coastal Saw-Sedge (Gahnia trifida) in three gully areas in the park.
Information about this event (what to bring, etc) will be provided in the Confirmation of Booking Email