Dear Friend Of Glenthorne,

You may not have noticed, but we have now updated our website, and this brings new functionality that we can use.

Visit, and give us your feedback.

We can add more photos for display on the "Header", and ideally they should be 1000 pixels high by 288 pixels wide.  Do you have any?

One new thing for this website is this "Newsletter", (This email is one!) which can be written, and then scheduled to be sent out at any time in the future, to all our "subscribers". (I should be fast asleep at the time this email is sent!!!)

I have added your email address to our subscriber list, which is why you are getting this.  You can change your subscription by clicking on the links below.

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 16 April, 7:30pm at 77 Adams Rd. Trott Park. Do you have any agenda items?

Our next Enjoyment day is on Sunday 21 April, at 10am.  Do you have Alan's new mobile phone phone? Use this to gain access if you are late, and can't get in.  0411 595 910


Friends Of Glenthorne Webmaster!  (aka Martin!)

To unsubscribe click here, to edit your profile click here.