Friends of Glenthorne National Park Newsletter
Letter from the President

Dear Friends,

On the 11th of August 2021, a new Friends of Glenthorne National Park Inc committee was elected. As the newly elected President, I would like to sincerely thank the past committee for their service in what has been a difficult period and for the many things which have been achieved, despite the Covid-19 restrictions. The change experienced by the Friends in the past year will continue into 2021 / 2022 and it is my objective to see that the group communicates more regularly with its members and supporters to keep them informed and involved, that the committee members are empowered (within DEW guidelines) to promote aspects which are important to them, that we grow our membership and that we work with the DEW rangers and staff to continue to build the Glenthorne National Park Ityamaiitpinna Yarta and broaden the experience for all of our volunteers and visitors.

With the number of construction projects already started and planned for 2021 / 2022, it is going to be a very exciting 12 months ahead.

I am pleased to announce that at the first committee meeting on the 18th of August, Matt Shilling accepted the role of Secretary. Matt is a very capable young man and I look forward to working with Matt over the year ahead.

I look forward to another very successful year ahead and hope that you can join us.

Kindest regards,

Alan Burns

Friends of Glenthorne National Park Inc.

FOGNP New Committee Members

Welcoming the new committee members for The Friends of Glenthorne National Park:

  • Alan Burns - President
  • Pam Smith - Vice President
  • Matt Shilling - Secretary
  • Treasurer - Vacant
  • Bob Kirby - Committee Member
  • Mackenzie Battifuoco - Committee Member
  • Geoff Dougherty- Committee Member
  • Committee Member - Vacant

The committee currently has two vacancies, Treasurer, and a committee member. We hereby invite any interested members of the Friends to apply for these positions and emails can be addressed to Those interested who are not current members of the Friends are invited to join prior to forwarding their interest in either of these positions. It is preferable that applicants for the Treasurer’s position have a basic understanding of accounting and a reasonable knowledge of Excel.


Get Involved


There are several Planting Days organised in the coming week across Adelaide. We alert your attention to the one being run by Henry Rutherford in the Field River Valley, this Saturday morning. Proceeding commences at 10 am with a Kaurna Welcome to the Country, followed by a short speech from the Hon David Speirs Minister for Environment and Water. Planting is expected to finish by 12 pm.  

Attendance is by invitation only and numbers will be capped due to covid and logistical considerations. Once we have your RSVP we will follow up with a confirmation email and location details. Please respond to this invitation by e-mail or phone to Henry Rutherford Project Coordinator Field River on 0459 950 466 or for your attendance.

Should you miss out, don’t forget that the next Friends Bushcare Day will be held on Sunday the 5th of September. We meet in the Glenthorne Ranger Station car park at 9.45 am for signing in and a discussion of the morning’s activities. Appropriate attire is recommended and due to Covid-19 restrictions, you will need to bring your own snacks and water and lunch, if staying for the afternoon.

Membership and Support

Under our Constitution membership fees were due at the AGM (11th August 2021) and I invite all members and supporters to join or to renew their membership. Fees have not been increased and remain at $10.00 for individuals and $20.00 for families. In the coming weeks, we will be sending reminders to past members, inviting them to renew. These funds are crucial to our ongoing work, and we also thank the many donors who have kindly donated to the Friends efforts.

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